
Marimekko Räsymatto Red Serviette 25 x 25 cm, New -19%

Marimekko - Brand Introduction
Marimekko Räsymatto Red Serviette 25 x 25 cm
Marimekko Räsymatto Red Serviette 25 x 25 cm
3 pcs
61 g
Price per item
3,98 €
Recommended price
4,94 €

Räsymatto (a rag rug) is a lovely traditional Finnish rag rug -pattern in white and red.

Set your table with seasonally coloured serviettes. Marimekko paper napkins bring joy and well thought detail for parties and every day delicious moments! The package contains 20 soft, three-ply paper napkins.

Brand: Marimekko
Series/Decoration: Räsymatto red, 25 x 25 cm
Design of Pattern: Maija Louekari 2009
Years of Manufacture: 2018
Measurements: Package: Height: 27 mm, Length: 126 mm x 126 mm
Material: Printed with non-toxic water-based colours on 100% recycled tissue paper
Condition: Class 1A

Designed in Finland, Made in Germany

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