Released on 2.11.2023
Astialiisa 5th Birthday Special
Astialiisa’s Birthday Specials: 3.11.2023:
We are opening our Shop for Winter and our Store in Helsinki for our Friends online. Join us in a Lottery for a 50 euro gift card!

New Selection from Helsinki Store at Astialiisa Online
Today Astialiisa’s Market widens its selection to include products previously only available at our Shop in Helsinki. We have started by adding a selection of locally most popular vintage cups - now with local prices too! So follow us as we pick more beautiful vintage for you from our shop in Helsinki.
The quality in Astialiisa’s Market is varying starting with first class dishware. In some cases these items do not quite fulfill the strict quality requirements of our webshop-only items, but this is reflected on the price too. So if a bit of wear on your vintage items does not bother you - there are great deals to be made here! Be quick and find the best deal for you at Astialiisa Online as we have no spare stock at these low prices.

Astialiisa’s Shop for the Winter
How does Winter change the Interior Style in our Homes?
In Autumn the weather and colours in nature change all the time. Winter comes and goes until near Christmas the winter takes over with snow, ice, cold and darkness. How do we cope with this gradual change at home? We adapt to it by setting the table with black and white dishware and we start playing with complementary colours, such as red, green and gold. We enjoy candlelight dinners and hot drinks. Would you like to see our recommendations for winter time at Astialiisa’s Shop for the Winter?

Order now during our Birthday celebration week 3.-11.11. and you will have a chance to win a 50 euro gift card!
Thank you for 5 wonderful years
We truly appreciate all the feedback and support from you! Thank you for the purchases, reviews, surveys, emails and social media comments. We will continue to work hard to make Astialiisa Online an even better site for Finnish Vintage Lovers. We will contact the winner of the 50 euro gift card via email on 14:th of November.
We wish you delightful birthday moments with Finnish Vintage Dishware, and please join us for celebratory coffee for the birthday!
Astialiisa Online Team