Released on 2.9.2022
Get 10-30% off!
Update on Flexible Pricing
Thank you for all your orders in our Big August Sale! We have followed the campaign in detail and are pleased to announce continuing the flexible pricing. We have still been making some enhancements to guarantee a successful shopping experience for you:
1. We have lowered some of the prices further.
2. We have made shipping more affordable and we will sustain the free shipping with Posti for orders over 500 euros.
3. We have been adding stock for the most wanted vintage dishes. They sell out very fast, so follow us and take advantage of the flexible pricing.

Check out the discounted prices and new stock additions., such as Flora, Kirsikka, Meri, Kastehelmi, Uhtua…
Before winter's arrival, nature in Finland bursts into an autumn splendor, creating a magical scenery. This phenomenon is known as the autumn foliage, or ´ruska´ in Finnish. The word origins from the Inari Sámi word ´ruške´ and North Sámi word ´ruški´. It also resembles ´ruskea´ which means brown in Finnish. However, brown is just one colour in the ruska palette – during September and October Finland turns into a sea of yellow, red, and orange.
Have you already seen our new collection for the season, Shop for the Autumn?
Wishing you a wonderful start for this autumn,
Astialiisa Online team